I invite you to join me on this journey to set up a new business making and selling wreaths and other home decor.
“It would be easy for me to continue doing my normal routine through this new beginning for me. However, I have decided to take something I love and make it into something new.”
My youngest is off to college next year. When my girls where young I was able to let out the creative energy by painting furniture or decorating their walls. I even went through a cake decorating stage but that was definitely not helpful to the waste line.
Then we entered the years of dance and volleyball. Weekends were spent traveling for one or the other or sometimes both. I loved these years but it did mean anything creative took a backseat. Now that my oldest is done with college and my youngest is off on her next adventure it is time for me to get back to the creative adventures I love. This time turning it into a business where I can spread my passion to others.
In the mean time the world has changed with Facebook, Pinterest and Etsy. There is so much to learn, so many new opportunities and I am very excited to get started. I plan to blog my way through the adventure and document the ups and down.
Let the fun begin!